A Holistic Approach to Dentistry Located in River Falls, WI

A Holistic Approach to Dentistry
Located in River Falls, WI

Resources / Links

American Academy of Craniofacial Pain

The American Academy of Craniofacial Pain (formerly known as the American Academy of Head, Neck and Facial Pain) was founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in August, 1985, to fulfill a need for more widespread knowledge of the diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular disorders and to seek specialty status for those whose main professional interest is in the clinical treatment of head, neck and face pain patients.The American Academy of Craniofacial Pain will continue to be the Craniofacial Pain/TMD organization representing all practitioners in this discipline by providing a common ground for advancement of knowledge, clinical practice and research. The American Academy of Craniofacial Pain is committed to the relief of craniofacial pain and dysfunction, and the advancement of research and study in this field.

1901 N. Roselle Rd., Ste 920
Schaumburg, IL 60195 

Crest, Colgate lawsuits target fluoride in kids’ toothpaste, mouth rinse

This article by Jonathan Stempel details:

  • Lawsuits claim products mislead consumers about fluoride safety
  • Fluoride ingestion risks highlighted in lawsuits
  • Study links fluoride exposure to lower IQ in children


Established in 1978, the Holistic Dental Association has been one of the strongest supporters for those dentists seeking to provide better care for their patients. Their main goal has always be to educate the public and dentists about the benefits of Holistic Dentistry.

Holistic Dental Association
1825 Ponce de Leon Blvd #148
Coral Gables, FL 33134

Founded in 1947, The Cranial Academy places the welfare of their patients above all other considerations. These physicians have rapidly gained a reputation for successfully treating a myriad of health problems which were non-responsive to standard treatment (drugs, surgery, standard therapies). Their goals are to:

  1. Provide an understanding and greater knowledge of the principles of osteopathy.
  2. Stimulate further research and disseminate of the philosophy, principles and techniques taught by Dr. William G. Sutherland, DO.

The Cranial Academy
8202 Clearvista Parkway #9-D
Indianapolis, IN 46256

The IAOMT is a membership organization for dental, medical and research professionals who seek to promote mercury-free dentistry, and raise the standards of scientific biocompatibility in dental practice. In 1984, thirteen dentists agreed that the amalgam issue was alarming, they also agreed that if there really was a problem with dental mercury, the evidence ought to be in the scientific literature. The Academy was formally chartered as a Canadian non-profit corporation to find answers to these questions.

The IAOMT has taken the lead in educating dentists and allied professionals in the methods of safely dealing with amalgam fillings, and safely disposing the waste. It has also led the way in developing more biocompatible approaches in other areas of dentistry, including endodontics, periodontics, and disease prevention. All this while maintaining the motto, “Show me the science!”
The IAOMT’s main activities are centered around: Research, Education, and Political Action. Contact us to find a member dentist in your area.

8297 Champions Gate Blvd, #193
Champions Gate, FL 33896

Functional orthodontics utilizes the muscles of chewing to promote the proper growth and development of the teeth and jaws. By the use of various dental devices, or appliances, proper tongue and jaw positions are created that eliminate negative forces on the teeth. Functional appliances are exceptionally good at aligning the upper and lower jaws in growing children. These appliances are usually made of a combination of plastic (acrylic) and wires, similar to a common retainer, but much more powerful in their effect upon the dentition.

The mission of the AAFO is to provide continuing education to general dentists, orthodontists and pediatric dentists with interests in functional appliance therapy so that they are able to treat patients with functional solutions that revolutionize orthodontic care. Founded in 1982.

American Assocociation for Functional Orthodontics
106 South Kent Street
Winchester, VA 22601

Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions (DAMS)
Ever since dentists first started installing amalgams in patients’ teeth there has been an issue as to whether the dose of mercury is released from them and causes health (pathophysiologic) problems. DAMS is dedicated to the elimination of mercury (amalgam) fillings from the dental industry. This website presents information pertaining to the dental amalgam issue.

Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions (DAMS)
P.O. Box 7249
Minneapolis, MN 55407

Consumers for Dental Choice (CDC) was established in 1996 by consumer advocates, mercury poisoning victims, scientists and mercury-free dentists. Our purpose is to educate the public about the health and environmental dangers of mercury fillings, and to ensure more effective government oversight on amalgam. Since the organization began, the number of amalgams placed have declined dramatically, from two-thirds of all fillings placed to one-third, and the number of mercury-free dentists has grown dramatically. But we will not be satisfied until mercury is no longer used in dentistry.

As part of its educational work, Consumers for Dental Choice wants the full flow of non-deceptive information between dentists and patients. As such, we work to end the American Dental Association’s notorious “gag rule” which tries to silence mercury-free dentists, and the ADA’s promoting mercury amalgam under the deceptive term “silver.” We favor full disclosure of the risks of mercury fillings.

Consumers for Dental Choice (CDC)
316 F Street, N.E., Suite 210
Washington DC 20002

The Milwaukee Pain Clinic can help you get the relief you have been looking for. Clinical experience has shown prolotherapy and reconstruction/neural therapies to provide unsurpassed benefits when all other treatment has failed to produce a lasting result for arthritis, musculo-skeletal problems, injuries and neurological problems, regardless of severity or duration.

2600 N. Mayfair Road, Suite 1120
Milwaukee, WI  53226

Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine
(formerly known as) American Holistic Medical Association

Founded in 1978, the AHMA was founded to unite licensed physicians who practice holistic medicine. They support both doctors and patients in their quest for optimal health.

5313 Colorado St.
Duluth, MN  55804
218- 525-5651

The International Assoc. of Healthcare Practitioners (IAHP) is a league of healthcare professionals dedicated to the use and exploration of innovative therapies. The organization was formed to provide a united voice in the field of complementary healthcare — one that would be heard by legislative bodies, insurance regulators, the public and other healthcare providers.

11211 Prosperity Farms Road Suite D-325
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410

American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
The past 30 years has seen an extraordinary increase in consumer demand for safe, effective and cost-effective natural healthcare. Naturopathic medicine has emerged as the health care profession best suited to meet this demand.

Although it almost disappeared in the mid-twentieth century because of the popularity of drugs and surgery, naturopathic medicine now offers safe, effective natural therapies as a vital part of the health care systems of North America the twenty-first century.

3201 New Mexico Avenue, NW
Suite 350
Washington, DC 20016

The Institute for Functional Medicine trains physicians and other healthcare practitioners to identify and heal the underlying clinical imbalances of chronic disease, creating momentum toward health. Functional medicine is personalized medicine that deals with primary prevention and underlying causes instead of symptoms for serious chronic disease. It is a science-based field of health care that is grounded in the following principles:

  • Biochemical individuality describes the importance of individual variations in metabolic function that derive from genetic and environmental differences among individuals.
  • Patient-centered medicine emphasizes “patient care” rather than “disease care.”
  • Dynamic balance of internal and external factors.
  • Web-like interconnections of physiological factors – an abundance of research now supports the view that the human body functions as an orchestrated network of interconnected systems, rather than individual systems functioning autonomously and without effect on each other. For example, we now know that immunological dysfunctions can promote cardiovascular disease, that dietary imbalances can cause hormonal disturbances, and that environmental exposures can precipitate neurologic syndromes such as Parkinson’s disease.
  • Health as a positive vitality – not merely the absence of disease.
  • Promotion of organ reserve as the means to enhance health

Institute for Functional Medicine
4411 Pt. Fosdick Drive NW
Suite 305
Gig Harbor, WA 98335

New Mouth Holistic Dentistry Information

Holistic (Biological) Dentistry Explained. Holistic dentistry is a subtype of dental medicine. These types of dentists pursue a slightly different path than traditional dentists. More information available on the site.



Designed for Better Breathing, Improved Sleep Quality and Cognitive Function
Improve your sleep with MyoTape. Promote nasal breathing to enhance sleep quality, cognitive function, and overall health. Try MyoTape today!


The Fluoride Action Network is an international coalition seeking to broaden public awareness about the toxicity of fluoride compounds and the health impacts of current fluoride exposures.

Along with providing comprehensive and up-to-date information on fluoride issues to citizens, scientists, and policymakers alike, FAN remains vigilant in monitoring government agency actions that may impact the public’s exposure to fluoride.

82 Judson St
Canton NY 13617a

SOTO-USA is a501(c)(3) non- profit organization which promotes the teaching and research of the Sacro Occipital Technique method of chiropractic. Founded and developed over 70 years by Dr Major Bertrand DeJarnette, Sacro Occipital Technique offers an indicator based,comprehensive approach to patient assessment and treatment. SOTO-USA looks to not only lead the chiropractic profession but to champion the concept that through understanding and cooperation between disciplines, excellence in patient care can be achieved.

771 South Main Street
Sparta, NC 28675

Phillip Blair MD

Helping people with diabetes, kidney disease and other serious conditions get back their health through expert coaching & guidance.

“Our program is truly focused on patients and helping them navigate through our complicated health care system,” emphasizes Dr. Blair. Much of the program is about empowering individual patients to make lifestyle changes and coaching them through the difficult transitions until they realize success. And, then helping them maintain their positive outcomes for life.

Dr. Blair continues to explore new therapeutic approaches to chronic problems supported by medical evidence and clinical results including whole body vibration, low dose naltrexone and cannabidiol. These new areas show exceptional promise and success with little or no adverse effects


Blair Medical Group

Our mission is to create nutrition supplement programs and share products that utilize the natural properties in plants, to empower healing by balancing the endocannabinoid system. 

 Scientists have made new discoveries in living bodies (human and animal), called the  endocannabinoid system (ECS), which  have been connected to a growing number of physiological functions:  disease management; emotional and mental health; nervous system regulation;  and operations of organs. 

We design protocols, supply and support professionals and practitioners in healing businesses by  offering product lines and education that will complement most care protocols. 


ALF (Alternative Lightwire Functional) Appliance Therapy

Dr. Darick Nordstrom’s practice is located in Hollister, CA and he has a long history of obtaining amazing orthodontic results. He is the inventor of the ALF (Advanced Lightwire Functional) appliances which we have used for many years. Murdock lab an advanced manufacturer of these appliances has put together this educational video to enable patients to understand the benefits and differences to this approach. Check out this video about ALF appliances: Click here to view the video

Natalie Tranchilla, MA LPCC
Utilizing Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT is also known as tapping), I work with clients to help alleviate a wide range of emotional and behavioral issues spanning from depression and anxiety to fears, phobias and beyond.  In addition, I specialize in helping clients become aware of and release self-constructed barriers to success.  I offer a highly personalized and organic approach tailored to assist clients to heal from past traumas and experience the growth and empowerment to become their best selves.
13911 Ridgedale Drive #320